Honors Students Attend the 2022 Southern Regional Honors Conference

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Honors Students Attend the 2022 Southern Regional Honors Conference

Posted on April 20, 2022

This spring, Honors Academic Advisors Portia Harris and Eric Toler took two Honors students, Honors Dragon AC Coy and Honors Ambassador Hannah Ward, to the 2022 Southern Regional Honors Conference in Birmingham, Alabama.

The conference theme this year was “A Strength to Love, Explore, and Learn: Honors and Community.” Eric and Portia gave a presentation entitled “Empowering Honors Students as Leaders, Learners, and Changemakers in Lloyd International Honors College” at the conference. AC Coy also gave two presentations of their original work at the conference.

In a letter of gratitude addressed to the Honors Ensemble, AC and Hannah wrote, “The conference promoted a rich exchange of ideas that facilitated in-depth discussions about social justice and the role of the honors community in promoting social change. Without the experience of this conference, our perspectives on regional and global engagement would not have been broadened … We have both been inspired by the conference sessions and hope to pursue more diverse research, creative opportunities, and interpersonal connections in the future.”