Announcing Global Honors at UNC Greensboro

News & Events

Announcing Global Honors at UNC Greensboro

Posted on November 22, 2022

At the end of 75 years of Honors at UNC Greensboro, Lloyd International Honors College has reflected on our history of growth, change, and evolution with our students. Today more than ever, undergraduate students who seek Honors education need a program tailored to suit their needs and make space for the many opportunities and responsibilities they take on throughout their time in college.


We are pleased to announce a new track in the Honors College that aims to meet these needs. The Global Honors program is designed with the modern Honors student in mind to maximize student success, prioritize customization, and enable completion of Honors requirements, without compromising the benefits of an Honors education. Global Honors is a highly customizable, high-impact experience, liberal-arts based honors program. 


Students in Global Honors choose the Honors courses that best suit their interests and needs from seminars, Honors sections, and contracts that can meet Minerva’s Academic Curriculum (MAC) requirements. These courses focus on honing critical reading, thinking, and expression skills while fostering developmental learning environments. Global Honors students also achieve beginning competency in a second language. Finally, Global Honors students devise a plan to take advantage of the several high-impact developmental opportunities available at UNCG, including study abroad at one of UNCG’s 100+ exchange partner institutions.


Our shift to Global Honors, and its replacement of the former International Honors program, marks a commitment held by Lloyd International Honors College to continual development, growth, and change following the needs of our students. In our 75th year on this campus, we recognize that students are increasingly invested in taking on opportunities, in and outside of the classroom, that will help them develop and grow. The Global Honors program will allow students to earn credit toward their completion of Honors as they find and maximize their experiences across campus and beyond.