Housing – Residential Colleges | Lloyd International Honors College

Housing – Residential Colleges

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STARTING IN FALL 2024, Lloyd International Honors College students will have an opportunity to be part of one of FOUR Residential Colleges (RC), each with its own unique theme and open to and welcoming of all majors. Each RC is a living-learning community with on-site classes, advisors, programming, and social activities. These communities are residential programs that connect students with shared academic interests, identity, or passions, who often live together and attend courses and extracurricular events together.

First-year Honors students planning to live on campus are STRONGLY encouraged to live in Honors housing, to ensure convenient access to Honors events and social opportunities. Honors students living in any Honors housing may select a non-Honors roommate. Commuters are welcome in all Honors programs.

Continuing Honors students may choose to live in an RC, Gray Hall, or any available on campus residence, but they are not required to live on campus.



South Spencer Residential College:

This living-learning community is open to all majors and will be of particular interest to students who would like to explore issues of power, privilege, oppression, and intersectionality as part of their personal, academic, and professional journeys. Students in South Spencer engage in critical community building in the pursuit of understanding how these issues impact local, national, and international legislation, activism, and policy-making.

South Spencer Residential College joined North Spencer and Gray Hall in Fall 2015 as the third living space for Honors College students and is home to approximately 100 students. The Hall is attached to North Spencer and both offer similar room amenities. It has a parlor on the first floor, a large game room with television on the ground floor, a computer lab, and offices for Honors College staff. With on-site Honors advisors, and hosting a range of events and activities, South Spencer is centrally located on campus, next to the Jackson Library.


North Spencer Residential College:

This living-learning community is open to all majors but is primarily intended for Honors students in the Lloyd International Honors College who would like to explore issues in medicine, nursing, public health, personal health, wellness, and social policy locally and in other areas of the world. The North Spencer community strives to help students make connections through co-curricular programming, reflection, and shared learning as they relate to broader social impact as part of students’ personal, academic, and professional journeys.

North Spencer Residential College is the original Honors residence hall and offers an extraordinary space for nearly 200 Honors students. North Spencer offers large rooms that are air-conditioned and typically have a sink. It also offers a classroom equipped with global teleconferencing technology, a large parlor for visiting with other students. With on-site Honors advisors, and hosting a range of events and activities, North Spencer is centrally located on campus, next to the dining hall.

For students not admitted to Lloyd International Honors College, but who are interested in health sciences and allied heath, please consider the HHSci living-learning community The Human Health Sciences (HHSci) Living Learning Community has been created to support students who are interested in health sciences and allied health careers. It is available for students in the school of health and human sciences who are not in Lloyd International Honors College. Join the Health and Human Sciences Living Learning Community, where you can be with other UNC Greensboro students who are interested in health sciences careers. As a member, you can explore different career opportunities in the health professions and majors within the School of Health and Human Sciences. The LLC houses up to 44 people on one co-ed floor in Reynolds Hall.



Strong Residential College:

This living-learning community is open to all majors and will be of particular interest to students who would like to explore issues surrounding sustainability, broadly defined. The Strong community strives to help students make connections to the larger, global landscape by focusing on ways of creating a sustainable social, economic, aesthetic, and environmental future through co-curricular programming, reflection, and learning—an approach that threads observation and analysis into intentional connections between education and social responsibility.

Strong Residential College (located in Guilford Hall) has a number of traditional programs focusing on building community through weekly teas, a “Sustainability Dinner,” and several other student-driven activities.  Centrally located on College Avenue, the residential hall boasts a large formal parlor, recently renovated kitchen and bathrooms, high ceilings, gabled windows, and a beautiful view overlooking a paved courtyard.  Students in Strong can also take classes in the classroom in the residence hall.  With on-site advisors, and hosting a range of events and activities, it is a traditional hall-style residence with double-occupancy.


Ashby Residential College:

This living-learning community is open to all majors and will be of particular interest to students who would like to explore ways to interrogate digital and non-digital life experiences through programming to help students integrate and apply art, design and media to societal challenges locally and globally. The Ashby community uses this theme as a lens to engage with issues of inclusivity, ethics, and social impact while supporting a creative vision of students’ personal, academic, and professional journeys.

Ashby Residential College (located in Mary Foust Hall), founded in 1970, cherishes its history on UNCG’s campus and its many traditions, including producing an annual haunted house for the community.  Located on College Avenue, the residential hall boasts an in-residence classroom, large formal parlor, high ceilings, angled stairwells, and gabled windows. With on-site advisors, and hosting a range of events and activities, it is a traditional hall-style residence with double-occupancy.



Sophomores through Seniors

Gray became the second Honors residence hall in Fall 2013 and joined North Spencer Hall as dedicated living space for approximately 80 Honors College students with sophomore-through-senior standing. This recently renovated residence hall offers suite-style living with a maximum of four persons sharing a bathroom and also offers a number of single rooms. Honors students living in Gray Hall also have an on-site adviser to counsel them on their academic plans.

Eligibility Requirements:
North Spencer, South Spencer, and Gray Hall have the following eligibility requirements for Honors students with sophomore status and above:

  • 3.0 GPA after completion of 15 semester hours
  • 3.15 GPA after completion of 30 semester hours
  • 3.3 GPA after completion of 45 semester hours

All students must maintain the GPA required for good standing listed above based on semester hours completed.

Applying for Honors Housing

For current Honors students interested in continuing to live in the Residential Colleges (North Spencer, South Spencer, Ashby, and Strong) or Gray Hall, please note the following:

  1. You will need to fill out a UNCG housing application, including making the $200 prepayment.
  2. Please check your UNCG email in the Spring semester for announcements from HRL on how to apply for Honors Housing.
  3. Students wanting to keep their current room will be able to homestead.
  4. Any current Honors student who meets the eligibility requirements listed above may apply for Honors Housing.

For incoming Honors students who have been admitted for Fall:

  1. You are required to live in one of the four Residential Colleges (North Spencer, South Spencer, Ashby, and Strong) if you are living on campus and not a member of a different Living-Learning Community.
  2. You will need to fill out a UNCG housing application, including making the $200 prepayment. The application for new students will be open online from mid-February to early May.
  3. When you fill out the UNCG housing application, first select Special Interest Housing, then select your Residential Colleges in order of preference.
  4. Lloyd International Honors College will inform Housing and Residence Life if you are eligible for Honors Housing. After receiving confirmation, Housing and Residence Life will open Honors Housing to you in Artemis. Students who apply for housing and pay their $200 prepay earlier rather than later will be given access earlier in the process.
  5. If you’d like to live in the Honors Residential Colleges with a non-Honors roommate, you may pull them into your room via Artemis.

For more information about housing at UNCG, see the Housing and Residence Life web site.