Dr. Kimberly Petersen


Dr. Kimberly Petersen

Director, URSCO

Chemistry & Biochemistry

[email protected]

Dr. Kimberly Petersen is Director of the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Office (URSO) and Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and American University, she received her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Johns Hopkins University. Before joining the faculty at UNC Greensboro she served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology. Her Petersen research group, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is focused on solving important synthetic problems using basic principles of organic chemistry.  In particular her lab is interested in the development of new methods for the asymmetric synthesis of biologically important molecules and in the design and synthesis of new drug targets. Dr. Petersen serves as a co-Principal Investigator on the MARC U-STAR/U-RISE Program at UNC Greensboro and is a recent recipient of the BRIDGES Academic Leadership Program.